The best way to predict your future is to create it.

– Abraham Lincoln

We believe strongly in the following:

  • Transparency – We will ensure open communication with the residents from day one.  This includes day-to-day questions and requests, as well as during all public meetings.  If we have an idea that we feel will be beneficial to the township, we will share it at a public forum.
  • No More Warehouses – This is not simply a catch-phrase for us.  We have shown our commitment to not approve any more warehouses other than those warehouses that past Township Committees have already approved.  We’ve been outspoken; we’ve been involved.  To make it happen we have to review all Township Zoning as part of a Master Plan Revision.
  • Revise our Master Plan – Our Township Master Plan is outdated and has been so for some time.  It’s based on principals that are no longer in consideration.  We must work with planning professionals and make our Master Plan express what we want to be as a community going forward, which includes attracting more desirable businesses as opposed to warehouses, and trying to preserve as much of the rural and agricultural heritage of the Township as possible.
  • Proper Use of PILOT Fees – Determine the best ways to utilize warehouse PILOT fees that will be coming into the Township from previously approved warehouses.   As part of that, explore all possible options to use a portion of these funds to off-set property taxes. 
  • Ensure Existing Warehouses Compliance – Enforce idling, noise and traffic regulations on previously approved warehouses post-occupancy.  
  • Treat Residents With Respect – We promise to treat every resident who we engage with, with respect, and that includes how we talk and discuss issues with residents during public meetings.  We will also ensure that our Township employees and professionals do the same.
  • Independence – With no ties to the local and county political establishments, we are free to do what is best for Mansfield Township rather than what suits any political party or their corporate donors.  We only have the residents to answer to and will always do what’s in the best interest of the township residents.